Zehra is from the Chakwal district of Pakistan. She has one sister and a mother. Her father divorced her mother when she was in fourth grade because he wanted sons and not the responsibilities of daughters. Eventually, they were driven out of their home to live with one of their aunts.
To support the household, her mother works as a cleaner at a school in the village and washes dishes in various houses. It pays for their house. Because inflation is so high, her mother struggles to meet her family's needs.
In the face of these challenges, it seemed impossible for Zehra to continue her education. She often wondered how she could support her family. Zehra said, “She is working day and night for us, but there are expenses. Not enough.”
Then, Zehra had an idea.
“Education is the way to progress.”
Zehra received her education up to 5th grade from a government school in the village. But after that, she had to go to Bhagwal Government High School for further education. Zehra’s mother said, “I am teaching you my dream, and I want to you see progress.”
With a little faith, they enrolled Zehra in a government school in Bhagwal, knowing it would be a financial sacrifice. Eventually, it became difficult to arrange for her school transportation. Her mother was often compelled to borrow money to pay her rent and her uncle begged the school driver to allow them to delay their payments. Zehra’s situation felt grim.
Serendipitously, Zehra learned about a monthly scholarship program sponsored by Bedari, our local partner. Zehra advocated for herself and told her story to Bedari during a meeting in the village. Without hesitation, the Bedari team coordinated her scholarship and encouraged her to hold on a little bit longer. After a few days, her scholarship came, and she is now able to continue her education and achieve a life of dignity and freedom. We know the future is bright for Zehra as long as she has the support that she needs to pursue her education.
These stories and more are possible because of community-responsive NGOs like Bedari and because of donors like you who invest in girls’ dreams.
From Zehra and from all of us at Girls Ed, thank you.